Mie– category –


Mie Prefecture, located in the Kansai region of Japan, is a region rich in natural beauty and spiritual significance. It's famously home to Ise Jingu, Japan's most sacred Shinto shrine, dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu. This sprawling shrine complex, set in a forest, draws millions of pilgrims and tourists annually. Mie's coastline along the Ise-Shima National Park offers stunning views, traditional pearl diving performances by Ama divers, and fresh seafood. The prefecture is also known for the scenic Kumano Kodo pilgrimage trails and the dramatic Nachi Falls. Mie's culinary specialties include Matsusaka beef, one of Japan's top wagyu varieties, and Ise-ebi lobster. For foreign tourists, Mie Prefecture offers a unique blend of spiritual heritage, natural wonders, and culinary delights.

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