Ehime– category –



Ehime Prefecture, located on the northwestern coast of Shikoku Island in Japan, is a region celebrated for its rich history, natural hot springs, and citrus groves. The prefecture's capital, Matsuyama, is famous for Matsuyama Castle, one of Japan's most well-preserved feudal castles, offering panoramic views of the city and the Seto Inland Sea. Ehime is also home to Dogo Onsen, one of Japan's oldest and most famous hot springs, believed to have inspired settings in Miyazaki's "Spirited Away." The Shimanami Kaido, a scenic cycling route connecting Shikoku to Honshu across a series of islands and bridges, is a highlight for outdoor enthusiasts. Ehime's local cuisine, particularly its mikan (mandarin oranges) and fresh seafood, adds to the region's charm. For foreign tourists, Ehime Prefecture offers a blend of traditional Japanese culture, relaxing hot springs, and beautiful natural landscapes.

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