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shirakawa-go, gasshozukuri,


Shirakawa-go is a picturesque village nestled in the foothills of the Japanese Alps. It is known for its traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouses, which are characterized by their distinctive thatched roofs and steep angles. The village is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination, especially during the winter months when the snow-capped mountains and gassho-zukuri farmhouses create a magical scene.

History and Culture

Shirakawa-go was founded in the 12th century by farmers who were looking for a place to cultivate rice and other crops. The village’s location in the mountains made it difficult to access, which helped to preserve its traditional way of life.

The gassho-zukuri farmhouses were built to withstand the harsh winters of the Japanese Alps. The steep roofs are designed to shed snow and the thick thatched roofs provide insulation. The houses are also built in a tight cluster to help protect them from the cold winds.

Shirakawa-go is home to a number of traditional crafts and industries, including silk production, woodworking, and papermaking. Visitors can learn about these crafts at the Wada House, a traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouse that has been converted into a museum.

Things to do in Shirakawa-go

There are a number of things to do in Shirakawa-go, including:

  • Visit the gassho-zukuri farmhouses: The gassho-zukuri farmhouses are the main attraction in Shirakawa-go. Visitors can tour the farmhouses and learn about the traditional way of life in the village.
  • Take a walk through the village: The village is small and easy to walk around. Visitors can stroll through the narrow streets and admire the traditional houses and shops.
  • Visit the Wada House: The Wada House is a traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouse that has been converted into a museum. Visitors can learn about the traditional crafts and industries of Shirakawa-go at the museum.
  • Visit the Shirakawa-go Gassho-zukuri Folk Village: The Shirakawa-go Gassho-zukuri Folk Village is an open-air museum that features a number of traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouses. Visitors can tour the farmhouses and learn about the traditional way of life in the village.
  • Go hiking in the mountains: Shirakawa-go is surrounded by mountains, which offer a variety of hiking trails. Visitors can hike to mountain peaks for stunning views of the village and the surrounding countryside.
  • Enjoy the winter scenery: Shirakawa-go is especially beautiful during the winter months when the village is covered in snow. Visitors can go snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and sledding in the mountains.

Food and Drink

Shirakawa-go is home to a number of restaurants that serve traditional Japanese cuisine. Visitors can try dishes such as soba noodles, udon noodles, and tempura. The village is also known for its sake production. Visitors can visit the local sake brewery to learn more about the brewing process and sample different types of sake.


There are a number of hotels and guesthouses in Shirakawa-go. Visitors can choose to stay in a traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouse or in a more modern hotel.

Practical Information

Getting to Shirakawa-go

Shirakawa-go is located in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. The nearest major city is Takayama, which is about 50 minutes away by bus. There are also direct buses to Shirakawa-go from Nagoya and Toyama.


The cost of visiting Shirakawa-go will vary depending on the time of year, the length of stay, and the type of accommodation chosen. However, visitors can expect to spend around ¥10,000-¥20,000 per day.

Tips for visiting Shirakawa-go

  • Dress warmly: The winters in Shirakawa-go can be very cold, so visitors should dress warmly.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: The village is small and easy to walk around, but visitors should wear comfortable shoes.
  • Be prepared for crowds: Shirakawa-go is a popular tourist destination, especially during the winter months. Visitors should be prepared for crowds, especially at the popular attractions.
  • Respect the locals: Shirakawa-go is a small village with a traditional way of life. Visitors should respect the locals and their customs.


Shirakawa-go is a beautiful and unique village that offers visitors a glimpse into traditional Japanese culture. The gassho-zukuri farmhouses, the stunning mountain scenery, and the warm hospitality of the locals make Shirakawa-go a must-visit destination for any traveler to Japan

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